Woburn Porchfest Directory - 2024
Saturday 10/12/2024
(Rain Date Sunday 10/13/2024)
Set Times Subject to Change
6 Boyd Rd
2 Bald Todds – MC’s for the day!
1-3 PM: Hardcore Driven
3-5 PM: The False Positives
5-7 PM: Neighborhood Karaoke / Open Mic
6 Beach St
12:30- 1:15 PM:
2:30-3:15PM & 4:30-5:15PM
2 Sets!
Big Bad Bobby and the Shoe Horns
(in conjunction with 36 Clinton Street)
70 Mt Pleasant
12 PM: Rob Schneider Quartet (Vocal and instrumental jazz)
1 PM: Debbie Lane and Friends
(Vocal Jazz)
2 PM: Detour Ahead
(Instrumental jazz)
3 PM: : Bob’s Chili Combo
(Instrumental Jazz)
4 PM: Albert Lam Quintet
(Instrumental Jazz)
5-7 PM: Jazz Jam Session
(All Musician Instrumental and Vocal Jazz)
58 Robinson Rd
3-7 PM:
Fist Full of Murder Hornets
Naked Gun
53 Montvale Rd
3-4 PM: Moonstruck
4-5 PM: Mac's 3 (Covers and a Special Set)
5-6 PM The Neighborhood Dads
6:30-7:30 PM: The Attractors with Riki RockSteady
36 Clinton St
Kevin Wall
The Party Band
(in conjunction with 6 Beach Street)
Set Times TBA
Pocket Park
12-2 PM Rebecca Burke
2-4 PM: Beyond Boston
4-6 PM E-Roo
Spence Farm
12-1:30 PM: Cliff and Carl
1:30-3 PM: Darlene Wigton
3-4:30 Shadows on The Mountain
8 Clifford Terrace
1-4 PM: The Haverty Brothers
3 Rose Farm Lane
2-5 PM: Acoustic Wreckage
10 Dix Rd
3PM: Rose Mountain Band
6 Fairview Terr
1PM: The Freedom Fighters
2-4:30 PM: Ten Gold Dollars
141B Washington Circle
Multiple Performers
Set Times TBA
21 Richard Circle
Wayne and Megan
Set Time TBA
20 Poole St
12-7 PM:
-Private Pyle
-911 (Police Tribute)
-Beatles Tribute
-Youth Hockey