About Porchfest
Porchfest was originally founded in Ithaca, New York in 2007 as a means to bring together the community through live music with the mindset of full inclusivity. Success was instant and the idea quickly spread across the country and continues to do so.
Now, it has landed on Woburn’s doorstep! Our aim is to bring together neighbors and families for some fun and entertainment across the entire city. This is an opportunity to showcase some of the amazing talent that this city and region have and is a chance for people to get together outdoors and enjoy it all together.
Free for all to attend, just listen for the music in your neighborhood, head on over and enjoy the day!
What time is Woburn Porchfest?
Woburn Porchfest will occur between 12:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., with hosts creating the schedule that best suits them. We will have a full listing of hosts and bands available once finalized.
Do I need a porch to host?
Not at all. You do need a space to set up a band of course, be it a driveway or front lawn, and you must have room for the public to come and check out the performers.
Will there be food and drink?
You are encouraged to bring some snacks and beverages but please have the utmost courtesy for the host’s property and clean up after yourselves.